nices"This painting was started right before the COVID-19 and nished right with lock down cancellation. Undeniably the virus has had an impact on the painting growth process.I never start painting with a clear vision of what i want to create. Rather it gets it's meaning in the process, therefore rounding up and being a historical timeline of events that have happened in the world or in my life in the creation process. Creation process can take up to six or seven months and depending on it's length it can consist of tens of events or incidents. This painting was aected by many events such as events that were happening in the world, misunderstanding, puzzlement and my emotional condition as a response to them.
"SIXTH SENSE" is an emotional response to ever-changing earthy things. It symbolizes acceptance,adaptation and aliation. As a spiritual center, the artwork allows to deepen our intuitive insight to see beyond the veil of illusion." — Elina Sanda Zake