О Участнике


Mareks Gureckis

Marek belong to those painters, who search for pure aesthetic, his works are a hymn for painting. Although Marek main way of expression is color, the composition is not pure abstraction. His main themes are piano, Greek amphora, chess pieces and squares that are easily inserted in the semiotic heavyweights. Life, of course, is like chess, but that is not the main theme in his paintings. Surprisingly, filigree virtuosity that evokes once Derived Aristotelian catharsis, the artist is experiencing at the moment of creation. Themes only participate in this never-ending painting game.

  • 2016 — Ганновер (Германия), персональная выставка, галерея Kunstsalon Villa Artista, персональная выставка
  • 2014 — Париж (Франция), персональная выставка "Фортепианный цикл для шахмат", галерея LE84, персональная выставка
  • 2014 — Рига (Латвия), персональная выставка, галерея Birkenfelds, персональная выставка