Karine Paronyanc, When the Foundation of the World is breaking, it’s necessary to keep Your circle

  • art store Karine Paronyanc; When the Foundation of the World is breaking, it’s necessary to keep Your circle

When the Foundation of the World is breaking, it’s necessary to keep Your circle

Karine Paronyanc


Reference Nr. 600


Size: 100 W x 100 H cm

2500.00 €





art description

"Rigid geometrical forms add up to the ornament of a big tired city. Ornament is the universal information carrier. It is a bridge from the past to the present. Modern ornament in my works often personifies informational smog of metropolis! What are we going to leave to those who will come after us? Megabytes of digital rubbish and lyricism of social networks? Wires habitually cut the sky, global internet web seemed to connect us, but separated us in the long run, industrialization made our life more comfortable, but having complicated it infinitely.


Urban lace cuts the air of the sky and weighs on the viewer, creates tension in the picture, forces him to search for the answers to existential questions, a modern man simply does not have time for. This pictorial cycle is an attempt to pull the viewer out of the hustle and bustle of life and literally make him philosophize on the essential. That is where the name of the pictorial collection comes from. The works of this cycle pose more questions than provide ready answers. The aim of these works is to induce the viewer to think, to reason, to analyze. To think independently, outside political dogmas, imposed censorship or momentary passing trends. It is easy to be pseudo dissident, when being one is a mainstream of today, but it is much harder to remain a conscious person and most importantly a decent Human being." — Karine Paronyanc

  • genreLANDSCAPE
  • styleabstract
  • Executioncanvas, oil
  • Type of goodsoriginal
  • Deliverynot included in the price
  • Framewithout frame