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The graphics of Lasma Pujate are unbelievably bright and retracting, allowing everyone to choose their own interpretation

Their creative ideas of Lasma Pujate are realized in lithographs, linocuts and various other mixed media and are associated with a fine texture and searches for color nuances...


Her main research subject is man, with his inner anxiety, weaknesses and personal understanding of time. They are created in the subconscious images of human. They are located somewhere between time and imagination. They are in hurry, waiting for something or just bored.


Lasmas Pujate graphics mastery is evident, she can sense the color, as well as she is willing to experiment with various graphic techniques.


Lasma Pujate participates in exhibitions in Latvia and abroad from 2002. In 2008 she became a winner of the "Brederlo-von-Zēgenbuša" Prize. In 2009 she participated and succeeded in European art university lithography exhibition "Golden Centaur" contest in Munich, Germany.